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Posts by category
- Category: Bill Wilson
- Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Elected Communism – Bill Wilson –
- Daily Jot: The prophetic wind swirling around Israel – Bill Wilson
- Daily Jot: The mystery of the Red Heifer – Bill Wilson
- Daily Jot: The China example of US woes – Bill Wilson
- Prophetic considerations of the Iran attack on Israel
- Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Where in the world? – Bill Wilson –
- The evil among us
- Democracy Hypocrisy
- Daily Jot: WHO could be the Beast? – Bill Wilson
- Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: The growing apostasy – Bill Wilson
- The Constitutional issue of vaccine mandates
- The Biden mess
- Daily Jot: The principalities and politics of revolution
- Daily Jot: The cauldron of civil war in America
- Prophetic implications of Coronavirus-Part II
- Prophetic implications of coronavirus-Part 1
- Daily Jot: Now for the noise – Bill Wilson –
- Prophecy clock moves forward with Iran
- Daily Jot: Racism vs Socialism
- Daily Jot: Scorched earth lunacy
- Red Heifer advances Prophecy Clock
- Daily Jot: Of fools and foolishness
- Daily Jot: Day of Liberty Part I–The Situation
- The hypocrisy of the coup-makers
- New Russia findings reveal widespread corruption
- The Bible and immigration
- Daily Jot: Our declining Christianity
- Daily Jot: Hypocrisy at the highest
- Daily Jot: The Real Russian connection
- Daily Jot: Watching Turkey-Iran prophecy align
- When lawlessness abounds
- Bear on the prowl and the clipped eagle
- A non-prophetic prophecy
- Americans in the eye of a prophetic storm
- A prophetic point about Syria
- The White House and its one trick race pony
- Why a healthy distrust of government is needed
- Insane leaders, insane world
- The Gates of Hell and the times in which we live
- Occupant turns Middle East into homeowners association
- Prophetic Symbolism from Israel
- White House Israel Map–already two states with no Jerusalem
- Government confiscation of your bank account coming?
- Category: Britt Gillette
- What Are We Seeing in the Skies Over New Jersey?
- Make Sure You Watch This BEFORE the Election…
- Are We in the Time of the Lord’s Return?
- Are Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 About to be Fulfilled?
- As in the Days of Noah… :: By Britt Gillette
- Why Does the World Seem to be in a Constant State of Crisis? By Britt Gillette
- They’re Lying to You… Be Prepared!
- THIS Sets the Stage for a New Global Order…
- THIS Tells Me the Tribulation is Approaching!
- It’s All Happening As Foretold! What’s Next?
- A Sign the END TIMES Are Upon Us…
- Setting the Stage for Gog of Magog (Ezekiel 38 & 39)
- We’ve Reached THE END… This is It!
- Will This Lead to Nuclear War?
- THIS is Coming Next… Be Prepared!
- Russia, Iran, and Turkey Forming a Biblical Alliance
- Are We on the Verge of the Tribulation?
- The Stage is Set for the End Times
- Enabling the Mark of the Beast
- The Next Financial Crisis
- Quantum Computing And The Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy
- How Close is the Second Coming?
- New Technologies and the End Times
- Peace or War? – Does Bible Prophecy Reveal The Next Steps In The Middle East?
- Cryptocurrency and the Coming Global Tyranny
- How the Coronavirus Sets the Stage for the End Times
- End Times Complacency Spreading Through The Church
- The Single Greatest Sign Of The End Times
- The Single Greatest Sign of the End Times
- Antichrist Prototype? The Talking Buddhist AI Deity
- The Top 5 Prophetic Trends of 2018
- Battle of Gog/Magog On The Horizon?
- Rise of The Gog Of Magog Coalition
- The Next Manhattan Project and the New World Order
- The Coming Cashless Society
- Syria And the End Times
- The Number One Prophetic Sign: Convergence
- Is the Antichrist a Muslim?
- Israel, Iran, and the End Times
- The Number One Sign of the Second Coming
- America in Bible Prophecy
- Category: Carl Worline
- Category: Dan Goodwin
- Category: David Dolan
- Category: Daymond Duck
- Implausible and Unaware – By Daymond Duck
- Groaning and Travailing :: By Daymond Duck
- Breathtaking Speed :: By Daymond Duck
- Leaderless! – By Daymond Duck
- Intentionally Blind :: By Daymond Duck
- The Death of Truth :: By Daymond Duck
- It’s About Time
- Illogical And Shameful
- Snake Warning
- Our Resurrected Body
- When the Trumpets Blow!
- Before It Is Too Late!
- Prophecy Update – Almost Home!
- Powerful Tyrannical Unbelievers are now Imposing (forcing) their False Religious Beliefs on America –
- Prophecy Update: Marching Forward
- Two Great Days
- Give Us A Leader :: By Daymond Duck
- An Election Gimmick
- This is Not the End of the World
- They Don’t See It Coming
- The New Moral Code
- A New Era and a New Universal Agenda
- Transformation Happening
- In Place
- World Government is Rising in America
- Apocalypse Approaching
- Dark Days
- World Government Looming
- Running Out of Time
- New World Order Coming
- Jesus is Coming Soon; Most are Not Ready :: By Daymond Duck
- The Last Hours of the Last Days
- The Master of the House is Coming
- Judgment Seat of Christ :: By Daymond Duck
- Timeline in the Olivet Discourse
- God’s Clock is Ticking
- Broken Record
- Recent News and My Views
- Gog and Magog, Natural Disasters, and Evolution
- Has the Terminal Generation Arrived?
- Tribulation Reminders
- History, Curses, Lies and Retribution
- Close :: By Daymond Duck
- Some Thoughts on Matthew 24 :: By Daymond Duck
- Does God Observe Jubilees?
- Numbers That Are Getting My Attention
- The Prophecy of Ten Jubilees
- Doctrines of Devils
- Black Lives Matter Exposed
- The Coming Snare
- Surely it Is Near
- The Kurds Are Rising
- Home Time
- Has God Left America’s House of Prayer?
- Down to the Wire
- The Approaching Day
- Israel’s God Is God
- A Clear and Present Danger
- The Spirit of Antichrist
- Dual Covenant Theology
- Dragon Talk
- Asking for Trouble
- Category: Don McGee
- Category: Don Twobears
- Category: Grant Phillips
- Are You Looking For Christ’s Return? – By Grant Phillips
- Glory To Be Revealed
- Christianity Today Does Not Speak For Me
- The Greatest Sign Of All
- Have We Reached Our Potential?
- A Date To Remember
- Doubt, Satan’s Silver Bullet
- Apostasy, Then And Now
- The Unexpected
- Corruption Invites Judgment
- Alien Invasion
- We Have Lost Our Moral Compass
- Wake Up And Smell The Coffee
- Another Gospel Revisited
- A Fearful World
- Category: Jack Kelley
- Isaac And Ishmael, Then and Now
- The Three Questions Of Matthew 24
- Seven Major Prophetic Signs of The Second Coming: 2017 Part 1
- Kings Of the North and South Update
- What Does The Bible Say About Israel’s Future?
- No One Knows The Day Or The Hour
- Between First Fruits and Pentecost
- What Did God Do On The Eighth Day?
- What Does The Bible Say About Israel And The Church?
- Solving the Three Day Three Night Mystery – A Bible Study by Jack Kelley
- The Passover: History and Prophecy
- Judging Planet Earth
- A Prophecy About Elam
- The Ultimate Rags To Riches Story
- The Wrath Of God
- Who Is The Restrainer?
- The Rich Man And Lazarus
- The End Times According To Peter
- Is There A Second Chance?
- The Return Of The Kings Of The North And South
- What’s To Become Of Egypt?
- Mid-East Update
- The Widow And The Oil
- What’s Going On In Damascus?
- Mary Magdalene’s Resurrection Story
- Solving the Three Day Three Night Mystery
- Passover and Palm Sunday – This Week’s Feature Article
- Category: Jim Bramlett
- Category: Jonathan Brentner
- Seven Recent News Stories Which Point To The Nearness Of Jesus’ Return
- Why Israel And The Church Are Squarely In The World’s Crosshairs
- Is The Condition of Today’s Church A Sign of Jesus’ Soon Return?
- Pastors, Don’t Let Your Churches Remain Unaware of What Lies Ahead
- ‘Normalcy Bias’: Why The World Refuses To Hear Our Warnings About The Approaching Tribulation
- The Warning Left Unheeded By Ebrahim Raisi: Don’t Mess with Israel
- Replacement Theology: The Backdoor Assault On The Integrity Of Scripture
- Ticking Toward ‘Doomsday’: Is the Secular World Counting Down to The Tribulation?
- 2024 ‘X’ Solar Eclipse: Coincidence or Final Warning?
- On Thin Ice With God: The Growing Betrayal of Israel And Obsession With Dividing Jerusalem
- Why Was it Necessary for God to Choose One People?
- Why Saying Jesus Is Currently Reining Over The Nation Dishonors Our Savior
- There Has Never Been A More Urgent Need For Pastors To Proclaim Israel’s Right To The Land
- Prophetic Observations of the Massacre in Israel
- Has Satan Begun His Plan for Human Extinction?
- How Much Longer Can It Be?
- The Perils of Preterism
- Is the UN’s Proposed Seven-Year Plan Prophetically Significant?
- Globalists Will Be Forgotten Relics Of The Past When We Inherit Our Everlasting Kingdom With Christ
- How Can You Not See?
- Wokeism Begins with Devaluing the Words of Scripture
- The Epidemic of Deception
- Churches That Deny Israel’s Glorious Future Erode The Integrity Of Scripture
- Deadly Delusions
- Don’t Fall for the Illusion of Peace in Our Time – Jonathan Brentner
- The Sign of Fulfilled Prophecy – Jonathan Brentner
- The Biblical Necessity of a Third Jewish Temple
- Don’t Mess With the Book of Revelation
- Ukraine – It’s What People Don’t See That Matters
- A Dozen Prophetic Signs That Tell Us We Live on the Edge of Eternity
- Wicked Deception and the Unveiling of the Antichrist
- The Most Ignored Verse in the Bible
- Transhumanism and the Nearness of the Tribulation
- America in the Crosshairs
- Questions that Confirm the Pretribulation Rapture, Part 1
- Rightly Dividing God’s Word Keeps us Focused on Jesus’ Appearing
- None Are So Blind
- The Prophetic Implication of the Mark of the Beast
- Our World Hangs on the Edge of Eternity
- The Great Setup
- The Green New Deal: Slavery by Any Other Name
- Yes! “Our Blessed Hope” Matters
- What Does It All Mean?
- 10 Signs of the Looming Seven-Year Tribulation
- Could 2020 Be a Prophetically Pivotal Year?
- Waiting and Watching
- The Left, President Trump, and Jesus
- What’s Next?
- 5 Perils of Denying Jesus’ Future Reign
- Prelude to the Tribulation
- The Signs Scream with Both Peril and Hope
- Category: Larry Cockerham
- Category: Mike Taylor
- God’s Continued Plan for All of Mankind
- The Rapture is Imminent
- Jesus is Coming…Are You Ready? – By Pastor Mike Taylor
- Revelation – The End of This Age
- Unless Those Days Be Shortened, No Flesh Will Be Saved
- Are We Coming to the End of this Age?
- The Time of Jacob’s Trouble Coming Soon
- After the Rapture, Many Will Be Left Behind
- End of this Age, and Coming Tribulation
- Bema Judgement Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne of God
- Jesus Continues to Reveal the Tribulation to John the Apostle
- Mysteries of God Given to Paul the Apostle (Part 2)
- Mysteries of God Given to Paul the Apostle (Part 1)
- The Destruction of America?
- Marriage a Symbol of Jesus Christ and His Church
- The Rapture is Real
- What is Coming Upon the Earth?
- Alien Invasion?
- Where is America in Bible Prophecy?
- Our God has a Master Plan for the Redemption of Mankind
- Gog-Magog at Israel’s Front Door
- Is the Oracle of Damascus Close?
- Jerusalem, A Burdensome Stone
- Abomination That Causeth Desolation
- Pope Francis, the “Save the Earth” Prophet
- Jesus Teaches the End of the Age, Part II
- Jesus Teaches the End of the Age, Part I
- Which Messiah will you Trust?
- Freedom From Religion?
- War of the Worlds?
- God’s Prophetic Time Markers
- The Bible Is Foolishness?
- Is Satan, the Devil Real?
- Hell is for Real, My Friend!
- The Church? Irrelevant!
- Prosperity Gospel?
- Confusion Over End Time Events
- Warning: Tribulation Straight Ahead, Part II
- Category: Nathele Graham
- Where’s the Hope? – Nathele Graham
- Peace In the Midst of Chaos :: By Nathele Graham
- Put Your Faith in Jesus, not a Man – Nathele Graham
- The Battle for America – Nathele Graham
- Don’t Be a Fool
- The Way We Represent Christ
- Are Demons Real?
- Time to Pray!!!
- What Will the New Year Bring?
- Prophecy Is Coming Together
- Nobody is Promised Tomorrow
- Avoiding Demons
- Home Before Dark
- Category: Ray Gano
- Category: Ron Graham
- Heartlessness and the End Times
- Noah, Lot, and Us
- Living Among the Wolves
- The Walking Dead
- From the Foundation of the World
- Tares among the Wheat
- Come Out of the Pig Pen
- Sinners in Hell
- So, What Do We Talk About
- Crown of Rejoicing
- Fear Factor
- Revival
- Be Not Deceived
- Legalistic and Rigid
- Iniquity Shall Abound
- How Do I Know I’m Saved
- They Persecuted Me
- Fallen Angels, Hybrids, and Pure Evil
- Category: Terry James
- Approaching Apocalypse
- Restraint, Derision, then Catastrophism – Terry James
- Reset or Rapture? By Terry James
- Pernicious Planners for Post-Rapture – Terry James
- Fishing for Gog By Terry James
- End-times Betrayal
- Pre-Trib Trigger Points
- Geophysical Gyrations as Israel Intimidated
- Perilous Times and Cults
- Why “Tribulation”?
- The Great Resist
- World’s Rage toward Holocaust
- Prominent Prophetic Perspective
- The Trigger
- Prophecy Line: Turkey Is Dressing… – Terry James
- Counterfeit Commandments – Terry James
- Rapture Sooner–or Later?
- China, Taiwan, and Bible Prophecy
- Restraint and the Nuclear Demon
- Seas and Waves Roaring
- This Rapture Resistance
- Fearful Forecasts/Prophetic Pronouncements
- Blessing Nations
- Strange stellar signs, eerie earthly signals
- Rapture Reassurance
- Evil Persists While History Repeats
- There’s Method to the Madness
- Nearing Midnight: Thief in the Night
- Kneeling for Peace and Safety – By Terry James
- End-times Storm Steering Mechanism
- Discernment All-Important
- Nearing Midnight: Gog-Magog on Automatic Pilot
- Sodom Similarities :: By Terry James
- Nearing Midnight: The Sodom Syndrome
- Commiserating with Lot
- End-Time Timeline
- How Near?
- Nearing Midnight: Earth’s Nuclear Destiny
- Unheralded Prophecy in View
- Nearing Midnight: Rumors of War Realities
- Is This Gog-Magog?
- Nearing Midnight: Month of Destiny Conclusion
- Nearing Midnight: Rapture or WW III
- Nearing Midnight: Church vs. Evil
- Nearing Midnight: Togarmah Roots Showing
- Nearing Midnight: Christophobia
- Nearing Midnight: Noah and Antichrist’s Hypnotists-Part 2
- Nearing Midnight: Is Gog Hooked?
- Nearing Midnight: Haunting Prophetic Prospects
- Nearing Midnight: Cry for Peace: Chief Indicator
- Will All Children Be Raptured?
- Nearing Midnight: Brave New World’s Big Brother
- Nearing Midnight: EMP and Gog
- Nearing Midnight: The Ezekiel Wimp Factor
- Nearing Midnight: Third Temple Temperature
- Nearing Midnight: Egypt in Prophetic Perspective
- The Rapture – Answering the Critics
- Nearing Midnight: Are You Vexed, Yet?
- Category: Todd Strandberg
- The Breakdown of Supply Chains
- Cumbre Vieja is a Major Threat for a Mega-Tsunami
- Nearing Midnight: Why Won’t Most Americans Defend Themselves Against the Left’s Agenda?
- Lawlessness Is Setting the Stage for the Antichrist
- Nearing Midnight: We Are Headed Towards Massive Racial Unrest
- Nearing Midnight: Are We Facing Another Global Pandemic?
- Nearing Midnight: Abortion Has Become a Religion of Depravity
- Nearing Midnight: The Political Landscape Is Getting Very Nasty and Very Dangerous
- The Death of Journalism in America
- Nearing Midnight: How Not to Be Deceived
- Nearing Midnight: Climate Change Rhetoric Is Heating Up
- Nearing Midnight: A Good Man for All Religions
- The Demonic Knockout Game
- Nearing Midnight: Is America about to Get Fired as the Leader of the Free World?
- Nearing Midnight: Our Faith Based Monetary System
- Nearing Midnight: Pope Francis’ Love Gospel
- Category: Uncategorized