Daily Jot: Day of Liberty Part I–The Situation

Daily Jot: Day of Liberty Part I–The Situation

Bill Wilson –

Rasmussen Reports that a survey of 1,000 likely voters conducted June 21-24 indicated that 59% of all voters are concerned that those opposed to President Donald Trump’s policies will resort to violence, and 31% believe there will be a second Civil War within five years. Couple this with a former president praising the “resistance” efforts of Organizing For America, Antifa and other organizations; Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) calls for people to deny food services to those who agree with Trump. Democrats are embracing Democrat Socialist Congressional nominee Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s call for a “progressive” revolution. As we approach Independence Day, our country faces a threat to all liberty.

What do these liberals and the vast majority of Democratic Party officeholders have in common? They fancy themselves as “progressives.” This is a polite, politically acceptable name for socialists or communists. Progressiveness is a path to tyranny and spiritual darkness. No communist society is free. No true socialist society is free. Why do you think all these people want open borders? It is so they can promise everything to people with nothing and secure their votes. That’s exactly how Cortez got the nomination. Once those votes are secured, it won’t be long before the Constitutional Republic falls to socialism. I have heard a lot of Christians say that this doesn’t matter-that we are of another kingdom.

This is wrong-minded thinking. The American experiment guaranteed the right to free speech and religious freedom. The American dream, how ever imperfect in its practical implementation, resulted in much of the world being evangelized by Christians. The liberty to speak freely about Jesus Christ supported the Great Commission like no other country in the history of the world. Progressivism, socialism, communism would bring a sharp and violent end to this liberty because these forms of tyranny are based in the Communist Manifesto, which states: “Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis.” These are antichrist political systems. Those who agree with them and claim to be followers of Christ, should repent.

What of God do the leaders and followers of the progressive resistance have in common with Christianity? Oh, they ply people with emotions of compassion based on half-truths and twisted facts. But what of Godly principles? Most of them would even say that all religions serve one god, the same god. What does the Lord say? “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). Allowing a “progressive revolution” is consenting godlessness to advance. As Galatians 5:1 says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” We are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free. It extends to the politics of tyranny and to those who would proclaim evil as good. It is bondage. We must overcome evil with good.