It’s Happening Right Before Our Eyes…
Are we seeing the emergence of the revived Roman Empire prophesied in the Books of Daniel and Revelation?
Are we seeing the emergence of the revived Roman Empire prophesied in the Books of Daniel and Revelation?
The world is becoming a very dark place to live. In my lifetime, I’ve seen so much change in people’s attitudes, and very little is good.
The stunning swiftness of moves made by this newly elected—or would that be re-elected—president brings into question just where the stage-setting for Antichrist’s ultimate base of power stands
This article will prove prophetically through Zechariah 12:1, as supported by a sequence of historically fulfilled foretold events, that Jerusalem and Judah belongs exclusively to the Jews.
They’re Planning to Trap You! Britt Gillette Feb 10 Central banks and governments around the world are putting the pieces in place right now for the mark of the beast system we read about in Revelation 13. While not the mark of the beast itself, this system is indistinguishable in capability and function from the…
DeepSeek threatens to upend the conventional wisdom surrounding AI development, as well as the leading positions of some of Silicon Valley’s largest companies. It even threatens the power position of the United States itself.
In the Old Testament, we read that King David’s army included the children of Issachar, who were men who had an understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do (I Chron. 12:32).
In this world, we are warned about many things. Geologists warn us that a major earthquake could strike at any time. The San Andreas fault is way overdue to shake California. The New Madrid Fault along the Mississippi River seems to be giving warnings of an upcoming large quake.
On Dec. 29, 2024, our Lifeway Adult Sunday School lesson was titled “Power Revealed.” And in a nutshell, the writer was saying God led the Israelites out of Egypt and took them to a seemingly hopeless entrapment at the Red Sea to reveal His power and glory by fighting for them.
Although we remain earthbound, the signs of the approaching Tribulation period continue to reach new heights in both frequency and intensity. We live in the season of Jesus’ appearing to take us home to glory; He could come for us at any moment.
What are people seeing? Are they drones, aliens, demons, part of a government psyop/false flag, or something else entirely?
Not everyone in the world today accepts the message of Jesus. This shouldn’t surprise you. Even many of those who met Jesus refused to accept His message. In spite of the love He offered… In spite of His revolutionary teachings… In spite of His miracles… They rejected Him. Why? Jesus said it’s because such people are children of the devil – the father of lies (John 8:42:44). Otherwise, why would anyone reject Jesus?
The Bible tells us there must be a seven-year period when God again turns His attention to the Jewish people and Jerusalem. The length of this still future time comes the prophet Daniel who specified seventy weeks of years during which time the Lord will complete His redemptive purposes for choosing Israel (Daniel 9:24-27).
My focus for what follows is not on how Psalm 83 fits into prophecy but rather on what it reveals about the source of the repeated hostilities toward Israel since it became a nation in 1948, which have greatly intensified beginning on October 7, 2023.