Nearing Midnight: Are You Vexed, Yet?
Can there be any doubt that conditions and activities which God’s Word predicts will be prevalent while the end of the age approaches are now being played out before our very eyes?
Can there be any doubt that conditions and activities which God’s Word predicts will be prevalent while the end of the age approaches are now being played out before our very eyes?
Introducing Jesus to Israel as the Lamb of God was no doubt meant to prompt a comparison between Jesus and the Passover lamb in their minds.
End-time Supernatural Revelations. Acts 2:17 promises “visions” and “prophesies” in the last days. I have become aware of and have collected records of visions and prophecies from various believers over a period of years.
God’s Judgment On America Jim Bramlett Is the United States of America mentioned in biblical prophecy? If we are, indeed, in the “last days” before Christ’s return, as the overwhelming evidence indicates, is it possible that the greatest Gentile power in history would have been overlooked, or is irrelevant? Or, are references hidden, as are…
Friday, March 22, 2013 Occupant turns Middle East into homeowners association I have never liked homeowners associations. Like the one where we live right now. I can’t paint my house, put up a fence, change the landscaping in my driveway, add on to my house, put up a car port, practice my shooting, cut down…
Thursday, March 21, 2013 Prophetic Symbolism from Israel The media covering the Occupant of the Oval Office’s trip to Israel is prophetic symbolism, probably unbeknownst to them. Certainly, the news media is like most people and some pastors in that they do no know the Bible or what they know of it is steeped in…
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 White House Israel Map–already two states with no Jerusalem Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes does a preview of the Occupant of the Oval Office’s trip to Israel–only it’s not the Israel that exists today. The video is entitled “The President’s Trip to Israel, The West Bank & Jordan.” A map…
Dear friends: Probably the most poisonous teaching and concept in the body of Christ is that of “mixture”; that is, mixing Law and Grace. They are like oil and water. They cannot be mixed. If you try to combine Law with Grace, it is no longer Grace. Most churches embrace the idea of mixture. Members…
Monday, March 18, 2013 Government confiscation of your bank account coming? The US National Debt is $16.7 TRILLION or $147,483 per tax payer, but that is only part of the picture. Add interest on the debt, and we have a total US National Debt of $59.2 TRILLION, which is $187,645 per taxpayer and a total…