Why Israel And The Church Are Squarely In The World’s Crosshairs
November 2, 2024

The words were there all the time, but it was just this past week that they leaped off the page as never before. Previously, I had hurried past them to contemplate the fulfillment of Psalm 83:3-12 and, after that, to the prayer for God to make Israel’s enemies “like whirling dust” (v. 13).
But this time, the Lord drew my attention to the text of verse 2: “For behold, your enemies make an uproar; those who hate you have raised their heads.” (my emphasis)
My focus for what follows is not on how Psalm 83 fits into prophecy but rather on what it reveals about the source of the repeated hostilities toward Israel since it became a nation in 1948, which have greatly intensified beginning on October 7, 2023. All those now besieging the nations with missiles or rallying people against the Jewish people have one thing in common: they hate the only true and living God.
Even though I have known it all along, the Lord used the words of Psalm 83:2 to reinforce the reality that those now attacking Israel are God’s enemies and thus displaying hatred for His people.
Satan viciously opposes the tiny nation because he understands that its people will play a pivotal role in the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Scripture tells us that the Lord will return to Jerusalem after the surviving remnant of the Jewish people recognize the One that they “pierced” as their true Messiah (Zechariah 12:10-13:1). The devil’s vain attempt to stop these things from happening also lies at the root of the murderous hatred that he’s inspiring against them throughout the entire world.
The same demonic forces that inspired Adolf Hitler to eliminate the Jews remain active today, perhaps to an even more active degree. Is it any surprise that Israel’s defense forces have found several copies of Hitler’s Mein Kampf in homes throughout Gaza, along with Nazi Swastikas painted on many walls? The Israeli army recently displayed a small figurine of Hitler that they found among the things of a Hezbollah supporter. Hmm…
God’s Word tells us that dark days lie ahead for Israel. However, in spite of what happens in the coming weeks and months, we know that one day in the future, a remnant of the Jewish people will inherit a glorious kingdom. How do we know this? Because the Bible also promises that this lies in their future.
What About Us?
Since we, as New Testament saints, also enjoy a privileged status within God’s forever household, should we expect the same satanic hostility directed toward us? Absolutely. And that is exactly what we see happening with an ever-increasing intensity.
Worldwide, those who hate the Lord are killing His followers in record numbers. In America, the opposition to Bible believers intensifies each and every week. Though it has not yet turned violent, we already witness the devil’s opposition through the multiple efforts to silence scriptural truth and arrest some who openly defend the rights of the unborn.
We know that during the Tribulation, the beast will kill a great many Christians and Jews, which will undoubtedly include the many Americans who come to faith in Jesus after the Rapture. Until then, what we already witness on our shores will escalate toward this inevitable outcome.
At a recent Kamala Harris rally, two students bravely responded to her all-out promotion of murdering innocent children in the womb with these words, “Christ is King; Jesus is Lord.” In response, Harris mockingly told the young men that they were at the wrong rally, which brought a mocking assortment of cheers from her crowd. Those around the students ridiculed and shoved the pair until uniformed men escorted them out of the auditorium.
More recently, Harris referred to Donald Trump as Hitler. Such talk not only encourages violence against the former President but also ramps up hostility toward all who oppose abortion, the mutilation of children via sex change operations, and other forms of violence against our children. On October 29, Biden spoke these exact words as he referred to Donald Trump, “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters.”
Please, please understand that whether you vote for Trump or not, if you adhere to a biblical worldview, you are a target for those seeking to impose a globalist agenda on America.
In the eyes of Biden and now Harris, all those who adhere to what the Bible says about right and wrong wear MAGA hats and, as such, must be silenced and thrown out of the arena. Hating Trump is just more acceptable at the moment than voicing repulsion for all those who believe the words of Scripture.
Never before in American history has there been an administration so full of hate toward the Lord and those who see the world through the lens of Scripture. Those who cast their ballots for Harris will be supporting all the things that God hates.
Our adversary knows Bible prophecy and recognizes that his time is short. As such, he’s already planting seeds of deadly violence throughout the world that will bear much fruit during the Tribulation.
We don’t know how soon we will meet Jesus in the air, but we recognize that it must be very soon. Since we already see the Tribulation period rapidly approaching, how close must we be to the Rapture of the Church?
For us, the Apostle Paul sums up the over-the-top joyous and wonderful news for us in Philippians 3:20-21: “But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.”
We are the generation of saints who will soon experience the fulfillment of this glorious promise as we meet Jesus in the air with incorruptible and immortal bodies.
How can it get any better than that?