Nearing Midnight: Rapture or WW III

My own studied and prayerfully considered opinion is that while threats (rumors) of war and even hostilities like we are witnessing from ISIL, Hamas, and occasionally other volatile players around the world will continue, there will be no world-rending war this side of the Rapture of the church.

The Approaching Day

This article is about the Second Coming not the Rapture. There are no signs of the Rapture. It can happen at any time and without notice. But there are signs of the Second Coming and the church is told to watch for those signs.

The Wrath Of God

For 20 centuries various forms of the phrase “Wrath of God” brought one image to mind and that was the period of end times judgments that immediately precede the 2nd Coming.

Is There A Second Chance?

If you believe as I do that the Bible teaches the rapture of the Church will occur before Daniel’s 70th Week begins then you’ve no doubt wondered what will happen to those among your friends and family who will miss it.

What’s To Become Of Egypt?

Once again my inbox contains a number of questions about Egypt, just like it did when former Pres. Hosni Mubarak was ousted in Feb. 2011 and a year later when Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood was elected President.