
THIS is Coming Next… Be Prepared!

THIS is Coming Next… Be Prepared! In the aftermath of the horrific attacks on innocent Israeli citizens, what is going to happen next? What are the most probable events? One of those events is almost certain to happen, and we need to start preparing ourselves for the spiritual battle right now. In today’s video, we talk about…

angel blowing trumpet

When the Trumpets Blow!

There is a possibility that this article will be posted on Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets), so I felt led to mention a few things the Bible says about Trumpets.

While the Hebrews were wandering in the wilderness, God told Moses to make 2 trumpets of silver.

Tribulation Period

Prominent Prophetic Perspective

This tremendous ethnic disturbance we are witnessing each day in our headlines is something we must absolutely watch closely. The powerful turbulence–the “seas and waves roaring”—constitutes yet another indicator of where this generation stands on God’s prophetic timeline. We can say with a degree of certainty—based upon study of God’s Word and belief in the pre-Trib Rapture of Christ’s Church—that because of the burgeoning ethnic unrest, in conjunction with all of the other indicators we see interjecting themselves with growing intensity and frequency, Jesus’ shout, “Come up here!” can’t be far distant.

blessed hope

The Trigger

Many of you know I view Jesus’ words as recorded in Luke to be perhaps the most important of all prophetic teachings regarding the coming world collapse into what will quickly become the Tribulation—Daniel’s seventieth week.