angel blowing trumpet

When the Trumpets Blow!

There is a possibility that this article will be posted on Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets), so I felt led to mention a few things the Bible says about Trumpets.

While the Hebrews were wandering in the wilderness, God told Moses to make 2 trumpets of silver.


How Can You Not See?

Leanna Crawford’s story behind her latest song immediately captured my attention. She related a time from her childhood when she saw fireflies light up her yard at night. Her dad responded to her amazement by asking, “How can you not see the Creator in all this?”

New World Order Coming

Some prophecy teachers believe that God has allowed the current Coronavirus Crisis to reveal that the Tribulation Period and New World Order (World Government, World Religion, Mark of the Beast, Rev. 13:7-8, etc.) are close (and by implication the Rapture is closer) and the need to draw near to God is urgent.