Jordan River

Have We Reached Our Potential?

In Joshua chapter one the children of Israel were preparing to enter the Promised Land, land God promised to Abraham, then Isaac and Jacob. The land was already theirs. God had given it to them, but they had to take possession of it. Forty years earlier their parents could have taken possession, but they instead wandered in the wilderness all that time because of their unbelief.


Think Things are Bad? You Ain’t Seen Nothing!

I remember as a very young boy being on our 30-day Leave Vacation, driving to the State of Washington to be with Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles and cousins. Back in those days, we never had 4 or even 2- lane Highways; it was simply 2 lanes all the way there. My Dad would always drive – and in every case, for far too many miles and hours. The problem was, it took four full days to drive there and then back, so we would have 22 days to enjoy.