light bulb

The Green New Deal: Slavery by Any Other Name

The climate alarmists of our day would have us believe that a grave environmental crisis exists; one that requires immediate and drastic action in order to save the planet. The leaders of the United Nations tell us that the solution requires all nations to submit to a central government, a New World Order.


10 Signs of the Looming Seven-Year Tribulation

Have you ever wondered during the past few months if the seven-year tribulation has already begun? I know that it hasn’t yet started because Scripture says that we will be with the Lord before the antichrist establishes a covenant with Israel that starts the clock ticking for this time of God’s wrath (Dan. 9:27; 2 Thess. 2:3-8).

New World Order Coming

Some prophecy teachers believe that God has allowed the current Coronavirus Crisis to reveal that the Tribulation Period and New World Order (World Government, World Religion, Mark of the Beast, Rev. 13:7-8, etc.) are close (and by implication the Rapture is closer) and the need to draw near to God is urgent.

Four Horsemen

What is Coming Upon the Earth?

Prophecy writers have been preaching the soon return of Jesus Christ and we wonder how soon? The indicators of the soon return of our Lord are all around us, but it has been fuzzy, but grows much clearer as time passes. Much like a picture developed in a dark room, as we see the image slowly coming into view. News reports have been coming fast and furious in the last few weeks, and from this perspective, I see the puzzle of end time events growing much more into focus with each passing day.