Not everyone in the world today accepts the message of Jesus. This shouldn’t surprise you. Even many of those who met Jesus refused to accept His message. In spite of the love He offered… In spite of His revolutionary teachings… In spite of His miracles… They rejected Him. Why? Jesus said it’s because such people are children of the devil – the father of lies (John 8:42:44). Otherwise, why would anyone reject Jesus?
The Bible tells us there must be a seven-year period when God again turns His attention to the Jewish people and Jerusalem. The length of this still future time comes the prophet Daniel who specified seventy weeks of years during which time the Lord will complete His redemptive purposes for choosing Israel (Daniel 9:24-27).
Why Israel And The Church Are Squarely In The World’s Crosshairs
My focus for what follows is not on how Psalm 83 fits into prophecy but rather on what it reveals about the source of the repeated hostilities toward Israel since it became a nation in 1948, which have greatly intensified beginning on October 7, 2023.
Daily Jot: The prophetic wind swirling around Israel – Bill Wilson
Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 is the Torah portion called Va’etchanan and it is read following the fast of Tishah B’Av, which began August 12th this year at sundown and continued until an hour after sundown on August 13th.
Why Saying Jesus Is Currently Reining Over The Nation Dishonors Our Savior
The claim that Jesus is already reigning over the nations is extremely popular in churches today. Its pastors preach that Jesus is fulfilling the words of Psalms such as 2, 46, 96, and 110 at this moment.
The Rapture is Imminent
Paul was the first to make this known to the world, as it had never been taught before Paul called it a “mystery” or something not revealed in the past.
What Does The Bible Say About Israel And The Church?
The misguided effort to blend the Church and Israel into one entity continues.
Which Messiah will you Trust?
Israel was sub-servant to the power of the Roman empire and their hopes were pinned on the Laws given to Moses and could not see past the rituals that shadowed the coming Messiah.