Daymond Duck

Groaning and Travailing :: By Daymond Duck

Many of us are rightly concerned because things appear to be falling apart on Earth (society is becoming more immoral, dishonest, dissatisfied, dangerous; wars, natural disasters, and antisemitism are increasing; we have lost loved ones and are getting older; globalists are working to bring in a New World Order under a leader called the Antichrist in the Bible, etc.)

But God is in control, and we are not without hope.


Leaderless! – By Daymond Duck

Following Pres. Biden’s recent disastrous debate with former Pres. Trump, most of the Democrats, many in the major media and social media, and many foreign leaders appear to be freaking out over America’s leadership and the upcoming presidential election.


Prophecy Update – Almost Home!

Not everyone agrees with me, but as I understand it, the sequence of events will be the Rapture first, perhaps a short period of time (possibly three years), then the confirmation of the covenant, and then the seven-seal judgments and the seven trumpet judgments in the first half of the Tribulation Period.

One World Govt

World Government is Rising in America

One, concerning hyper-inflation, economic collapse, and famine: on Apr. 29, 2021, it was reported that the price of food is soaring in Asia, a region that contains more than half of the world’s population, and history shows that soaring food prices eventually lead to social unrest (The French Revolution of 1789, Europe’s Revolutions in 1848, and a revolution in Russia in 1917).