What Are We Seeing in the Skies Over New Jersey?
What are people seeing? Are they drones, aliens, demons, part of a government psyop/false flag, or something else entirely?
What are people seeing? Are they drones, aliens, demons, part of a government psyop/false flag, or something else entirely?
Do you believe Scripture? Any Christian who doesn’t believe God’s word from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21 can’t truly understand their faith. Every word is from God, and He doesn’t lie or deceive anybody. His truth is the only truth.
In order to keep the collection plates full, many pastors compromise God’s truth. Most pastors like to preach about the joy of the Lord, rather than repentance. God and sin are opposites, so you cannot turn to God unless you turn away from sin. There is no joy in sin, but many pastors are willing to compromise Biblical truth in order to keep collections up and pews filled.
Do you like watching scary movies? I don’t. In my opinion, movies have gone way too far in horror, and many other genres. These movies serve a couple of purposes in Satan’s agenda. First, they make evil, and sin, familiar and acceptable. They also can open a way for real demons to enter a person. Are demons real?
It is well known that the re-creation of an arch at the Temple of Baal was recently and temporarily erected at City Hall Park in New York City. Baal worship led to God’s destruction of Israel in Old Testament Times, but Roman Catholic Mayor Bill de Blasio thinks he has done a good deed.
Fear of the supernatural as well as the physical can weaken the resolve of a believer in Christ. We can be overcome with fear and it will freeze us in our steps. Thus fear is one of the enemy’s favorite tools.