Not everyone in the world today accepts the message of Jesus. This shouldn’t surprise you. Even many of those who met Jesus refused to accept His message. In spite of the love He offered… In spite of His revolutionary teachings… In spite of His miracles… They rejected Him. Why? Jesus said it’s because such people are children of the devil – the father of lies (John 8:42:44). Otherwise, why would anyone reject Jesus?
Restraint, Derision, then Catastrophism – Terry James
A number of reports coming across my research in the sudden seeming collapse of US and world economic conditions, make it clear that, now, the long-feared disaster has begun. There would be no stopping the total collapse from happening, although it might take some time coming.
Groaning and Travailing :: By Daymond Duck
Many of us are rightly concerned because things appear to be falling apart on Earth (society is becoming more immoral, dishonest, dissatisfied, dangerous; wars, natural disasters, and antisemitism are increasing; we have lost loved ones and are getting older; globalists are working to bring in a New World Order under a leader called the Antichrist in the Bible, etc.)
But God is in control, and we are not without hope.
What Will the New Year Bring?
Here it is, a brand-new year. What will you do with it? What will the new year bring? It’s always good to take a look at your life and see what you might need to work on for the coming year.
When the Trumpets Blow!
There is a possibility that this article will be posted on Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets), so I felt led to mention a few things the Bible says about Trumpets.
While the Hebrews were wandering in the wilderness, God told Moses to make 2 trumpets of silver.
The Epidemic of Deception
As the spirit of the antichrist gains more strength in our world each and every day, it helps to remember what Jesus said about the one behind it, the devil himself.
Counterfeit Commandments – Terry James
We’ve looked many times at how Satan wants to be worshiped as God. From the very beginning, in the account of his actions against God, we can see that prideful tendency that exploded into full-fledged rebellion.
Wicked Deception and the Unveiling of the Antichrist
I believe it’s God’s way of warning us; He’s telling us, and the world, that the day of His wrath is rapidly approaching.
Why do I say that? It’s because I believe the Lord is providing foretastes of this coming time of great judgment upon the earth so His saints understand that their time of departure is ever so close, and those outside of Christ are warned that their remaining time on earth is short.
Apocalypse Approaching
The Bible clearly teaches that the Antichrist and False Prophet will be active on earth at the same time (during the Tribulation Period).