lawlessness stage setting

What Does It All Mean?

Last week, I watched much of the Republican National Convention. I felt inspired as I heard several life stories of those who love both Jesus and our nation. The speakers from every walk of life reminded us that President Trump loves the United States as well as all its people regardless of their race or status. Those sharing experiences of their encounters with the President decimated the false narrative of the media that portrays him as a racist and a hateful person.


Kneeling for Peace and Safety – By Terry James

Detroit Police Chief Todd Bettison took a knee when confronted by a group of protesters of George Floyd’s death at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer. Bettison complied with the enraged protesters’ demands, later saying he did so for “tactical reasons,” apparently since a kneeling policeman threatens no action against anyone. Bettison said he did so because he “didn’t want any violence.”