
Discernment All-Important

How many times lately have you thought or said that, or heard someone else make such an observation? I, myself, make it on an almost daily basis these days. I discern that these are the most out-of-control times I’ve observed in 76 years of life. I really mean that. There are things happening today within this nation the likes of which I’ve never witnessed.


Alien Invasion?

“The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”( II Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Statue of Liberty National Monument, New York, United States

Where is America in Bible Prophecy?

I have studied scripture and often wondered, as others have, where in the Bible is the United States of America found, or is she not found in its pages of prophecy? Where is the most powerful nation ever to be formed on this planet and controls most all of the economies of the world through the reserve currency being the dollar and has the most powerful military the world has ever seen? I believe the answer lies with 4 major prophets, both of the Old and New Testaments

Nearing Midnight: Gog-Magog on Automatic Pilot 

Most who will read this commentary are certainly at least cursorily familiar with the term “Gog-Magog.” This is the prophecy most who look at end-times matters from the pre-Trib perspective believe is the first foretold event that will likely be the prophecy to be fulfilled following the Rapture of the Church-either that attack on Israel or, possibly, the destruction of Damascus, Syria.

Getting Close

Getting Close – By Daymond Duck – Sadly, most of the world is in darkness, but many students of Bible prophecy believe we are getting close to the return of Jesus to Rapture His Church. Here are some interesting things that have happened recently: First, many believe there will be a global economic collapse during the Tribulation Period. On Nov.…


Nearing Midnight: The Sodom Syndrome

Satan’s assault on America as originally constituted increases daily. Human participants in the attack declare for the most part that their rage is justified. America was flawed from its beginning and has gotten its superpower status on the backs of other nation-states whose treasures it has illegally taken in one way or another.


Our God has a Master Plan for the Redemption of Mankind

As you read either chapter found in the Gospels, Jesus explains to His disciples what the signs will be of the end of the age and His return. Note one thing, as you read this chapter, Jesus was living as a mortal man, God in the flesh, a Jewish man that was speaking to other Jewish men who had customs and idioms that modern men must come to understand, in context, to what Jesus was teaching to His followers. His disciples were going to have to teach these very things to the rest of the world, so they would have to be able to grasp what these signs were. So Jesus used familiar speech patterns or “idioms” that each were easy to understand and convey their meaning to the Jewish brethren of Jesus’ day.