The Great Resist

Those of us who believe we are charged by the Lord to be “watchers” on the wall look at the acceleration of stage-setting for prophetic fulfillment as a wondrous thing to behold. There can be no missing the reality that we are fast approaching the dénouement of the Age of Grace.

end times

World’s Rage toward Holocaust

George Santayana’s aphorism, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” has never been more apropos than at this moment. Developments are leaping to the forefront at this late hour of the age leading to the Second Advent of Jesus Christ—developments that are mind-boggling.


Setting the Stage for Gog of Magog (Ezekiel 38 & 39)

Is the current conflict in Israel setting the stage for the Gog of Magog war outlined in Ezekiel 38 and 39? I believe so.
While some believe this conflict may be the Gog of Magog war, I believe some key passages in scripture indicate it’s not. However, we ARE seeing developments that further set the stage for that war.


Will This Lead to Nuclear War?

Are we about to see nuclear weapons used on the battlefield for the first time since World War II? Analysts estimate the United States has been at DEFCON 3 for over 20 months now, an unprecedented length of time to be at such a heightened state of readiness – a posture directly attributable to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.