Why a healthy distrust of government is needed
We are fast approaching a time–if it isn’t here already–when the US government will become so overreaching of its Constitutional limits that we will no longer truly be free.
We are fast approaching a time–if it isn’t here already–when the US government will become so overreaching of its Constitutional limits that we will no longer truly be free.
The Hebrew word “nĕphiyl” is translated “giants” in the King James Version of the Bible, but most other versions say “Nephilim”, which is the better translation.
This generation is full of scoffers, mocking the prophesied return of Jesus Christ to Planet Earth.
Leadership is important. We can see the type of leaders in the world, in our country, by what they do.
Last year, I sent out to my large email list some of my salient thoughts concerning the possible prophetic significance of the dramatic events that have been unfolding in recent years here in the turbulent Middle East and elsewhere on planet earth.
The Gates of Hell are claimed to be found by Francesco D’Andria, professor of classic archaeology at the University of Salento. D’Andria presented his findings at a March conference on Italian archeology in Istanbul, Turkey.
Over the next 40 days before His ascension, Jesus appeared to more than 500 people, and later came back to personally prepare Paul to carry His message to the Gentiles.
The special Sabbath John referred to is the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and it’s a date specific holy day; always observed on the 15th of the month they call Nisan, which corresponds to March/April on our calendar.
But how much longer will His patience last until He decides it is time for judgment? How much more “in your face” behavior will He tolerate? Only He knows.