How Long Will It Be Until the Rapture?
How long will it be until the Rapture? That is the question we all have been asking ourselves for a very long time now.
How long will it be until the Rapture? That is the question we all have been asking ourselves for a very long time now.
War is brewing in the Middle East. The contention between Israel and Syria is a volcanic eruption waiting to happen.
Layman who point to a proof text that they feel proves their stance is a correct one, reveal that they take the latest bible teacher, or what their denomination teaches and do not study the Word of God to prove the point by scripture in context.
God doesn’t think in straight lines, He thinks in circles. He’s doing many things simultaneously, He’s at the beginning and the middle and the end of many things – all at the same time.
The Greek word for persecute is “diōkō” and in the context of the verse above it means: to pursue in a hostile manner; in any way whatever to harass, trouble, molest one, to persecute; to be mistreated, suffer persecution on account of something.
It is the Elect that one day will be gathered up from all the corners of the earth when we see the angels in the clouds with the Lord, and we hear that trumpet, The Trump of God sound.
Note that you do not have to say these words verbatim, but you MUST believe them in your heart. To do otherwise, will throw you into what is coming…..Tribulation NOW!!
Zephaniah is speaking of what I believe, we call the Great Tribulation that John also wrote of in Revelation. We have been leading up this time of God’s wrath for a long time.
The time is drawing down. The start of the coming 7 years of Tribulation of Daniel’s 70th week could be in the imminent future.