New Signs of an Imminent Rapture

New Signs of an Imminent Rapture – By Carl Worline – Around the middle of July, I wrote an article about how there are so many signs pointing to the end of the Age of Grace that we can hardly see the road upon which we are traveling as we move ever closer to…

Is There A Second Chance?

If you believe as I do that the Bible teaches the rapture of the Church will occur before Daniel’s 70th Week begins then you’ve no doubt wondered what will happen to those among your friends and family who will miss it.

Fear Factor

Fear of the supernatural as well as the physical can weaken the resolve of a believer in Christ. We can be overcome with fear and it will freeze us in our steps. Thus fear is one of the enemy’s favorite tools.

Another Gospel Revisited

I wrote an article last month titled “Another Gospel” of which most people followed my line of thought, but with no surprise, there were a few who zeroed in on one issue that was totally irrelevant.