Sinners in Hell
Have you ever thought about what allows a person to live eternally with God, and why some will spend eternity in Hell? There is a very simple answer.
Have you ever thought about what allows a person to live eternally with God, and why some will spend eternity in Hell? There is a very simple answer.
There are many diverse religious convictions about how the times we live in, called by Christians, the End of Days will be fulfilled.
For the most technologically endowed nation to ever exist on planet Earth, it would be a nightmare of almost unimaginable proportion. I’m referring to an attack on the U.S. by EMP -electromagnetic pulse-about which there continues to be much chatter in the cybersphere.
The United States still has not taken the military card off the table with regard to Syria, although it appears that military action at least has been delayed by a high stakes international foreign policy maneuver.
Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time.
Whenever I’m deciding on what to base a sermon on, I am never far from a subject as e-mails come that set me back in my chair─that God must be using to make a point.
It’s Sunday morning and you’ve just arrived for Sunday school. What do you talk about? Is your conversation focused on Jesus?
The Syrian situation continues to be “up in the air,” as the saying goes, as of this writing.
The story of the Rich Man and Lazarus is found only in the gospel according to Luke (Luke 16:19-31) and is the clearest picture anywhere in Scripture of the afterlife.