Nearing Midnight: Christophobia
They are “Christophobes.” They fear and hate anything to do with Jesus Christ. They see what is represented by His Holy Name as inflammatory and intolerant.
They are “Christophobes.” They fear and hate anything to do with Jesus Christ. They see what is represented by His Holy Name as inflammatory and intolerant.
For some time now, I’ve been puzzled about the time between the resurrection and the ascension, wondering why the Lord lingered during those 40 days.
Let’s start in Romans on our journey to identify our future destiny and responsibilities that our Lord will impart to all that are found in Him at His coming.
There is no eighth day of creation. God has never taken up the work of creation again, and that’s why a word that also means ceased was used in describing His Sabbath rest.
When He was asked, ‘what will be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?’ (Matt 24:3) one of the first things Jesus said was: “take heed that no man deceive you,” but He warns us not to follow them.
The misguided effort to blend the Church and Israel into one entity continues.
As Daniel’s 70th week draws near Christians will undoubtedly be victims of much heartless behavior. This hatred is inspired by Satan and his minions; he hates Christians because we represent Christ.
“Just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish,” He said, “So will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matt. 12:40).”
Many years later, when the Passover Seder had become a traditional celebration, it became common for the participants to dip a finger into their wine glass to collect a drop of wine which they then let fall onto their plate.