Nearing Midnight: Church vs. Evil

Nearing Midnight: Church vs. Evil – Terry James – This week for the “Nearing Midnight” column, I’ve chosen to use a small portion of a chapter I wrote for a book of chapters with colleagues. It is from the book: Blood on the Altar: The Coming War between Christian Vs. Christian (Defender Publishing, 2014).…

The Number One Sign of the Second Coming

Every single person on earth is an eyewitness to the modern miracle of Israel. The prophets said that following this restoration, the Messiah will come and set up His everlasting Kingdom (Isaiah 35, Joel 3, Jeremiah 23, Micah 4). In other words, Israel’s existence today is a sign that the Second Coming is near.

Nearing Midnight: Togarmah Roots Showing

Hal Lindsey (The Late, Great Planet Earth), among other prophecy scholars, through their study, find present-day Turkey to be sitting on geographical territory that comprised ancient Togarmah. We have looked, together, at this prophecy on numerous occasions. Togarmah is found in the following passages of Ezekiel’s famous prophecy:

Israel’s God Is God

With God’s help, I wrote these words around 1993: “Religion and ownership of the land (the Promised Land of Israel) are at the heart of the never-ending Arab-Israeli conflict. The two groups are diametrically opposed to each other because each group thinks it worships the only real God and each group thinks He gave the Promised Land to them.

Jesus Teaches the End of the Age, Part I

We know that it is more proper in context to use the “end of the age” as when Jesus comes back to rule for 1000 years, it will be on this very earth we now populate, but with major revisions to return the earth to it’s former glory when Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden.