Kings Of the North and South Update

Over the past five years or so I have written several times about the Middle Eastern kings of Daniel 11 known as the kings of the north and the south. In these studies I’ve shown how these two kings will become prominent again in the end times as the Shiites (king of the north) and the Sunnis (king of the south) vie for supremacy in the Islamic movement.

Nearing Midnight: How Not to Be Deceived

There isn’t a more important decision in life than to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. We were all born into sin, and nothing but the blood of the Lamb of God can save us from damnation. Sadly, most people will die lost because they were deceived into rejecting a relationship with God.

What Does The Bible Say About Israel’s Future?

Contrary to all the polls and predictions Benyamin Netanyahu and his Likud party have won another election. Some Israeli observers are calling this a landmark victory, because it came in spite of (or maybe as a reaction to) unprecedented external meddling in the country’s election process.

Israel, Iran, and the End Times

Israel, Iran, and the End Times -By Britt Gillette – Israel and Iran have been in the news a lot lately. Currently, several nations are trying to strike a deal with Iran to curtail its nuclear ambitions. The question on the minds of many Bible prophecy students is what does the Bible say about…

Nearing Midnight: Rapture or WW III

My own studied and prayerfully considered opinion is that while threats (rumors) of war and even hostilities like we are witnessing from ISIL, Hamas, and occasionally other volatile players around the world will continue, there will be no world-rending war this side of the Rapture of the church.

Down to the Wire

With regard to Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons, two important things took place in Washington, DC on Wednesday October 2, 2014: 1) A report prepared by James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence for the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee was released, and 2) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House to discuss several issues, but primarily Iran’s efforts to build nuclear weapons.

The Approaching Day

This article is about the Second Coming not the Rapture. There are no signs of the Rapture. It can happen at any time and without notice. But there are signs of the Second Coming and the church is told to watch for those signs.