The Coming Snare
The Temple will be rebuilt after the Rapture so the finished plans are a sure sign that the removal of the church is drawing near.
The Temple will be rebuilt after the Rapture so the finished plans are a sure sign that the removal of the church is drawing near.
Question arises, who is the prophesied enemy of Israel called Gog-Magog in our Bible, and where do they live today?
Russia looks to be making alliances that will one day -perhaps sooner rather than later–form a coalition like that forewarned by the prophet Ezekiel in his Gog-Magog prophecy.
For centuries, the overwhelming majority of those who have studied bible prophecy have claimed the Antichrist will come from a revived Roman Empire headquartered in Western Europe.
There are no words to describe how bad the Tribulation period is going to be; one-fourth of earth’s population will die (Rev. 6:7-8); one-third of those who are left will die (Rev. 9:13-21).
I’ve been asked dozens of times over the past few months my opinion on what will come of such things as this being the Shemitah year, in consideration of all the coalescing signals that something dramatic will happen beginning September of 2015.
I have proposed in this message that Pope Francis “could be” the coming False Prophet, because of the history of the Catholic Church that is filled with violence, murder, sexual sins, and political visions of world dominance.
Just know that the Kurds (Medes) will destroy the city of Babylon at the end of the Tribulation period and they are rising now.
In 1139 A.D. (about 876 years ago), a Roman Catholic priest named St. Malachy said he had a vision from God (St. Malachy’s Prophecy of the Popes; Google it). According to him, in his vision, God revealed that the Pope at that time (Innocent II) would be followed by 112 more Popes and the 112th Pope would be the False Prophet.