Syria And the End Times

With all the events taking place in Syria right now, many people are asking, “What does the Bible have to say about Syria and the end times?

Is this the beginning of World War III and Armageddon?” Those are legitimate questions, but let me assure you, this is not the end. How can I be so sure?

Because the Bible says Armageddon takes place at the end of the seven-year Tribulation (Revelation 16:16), and the Tribulation has yet to begin.


Jerusalem, A Burdensome Stone

Prophecy has a habit of coming back to Israel, as this tiny nation is the linchpin in studying Bible prophecy and what is coming upon the earth, which may have already started as birth pangs. Jesus described the signs of His return in Matthew’s Gospel:

Daily Jot: The Real Russian connection

There is one thing that unifies establishment Democrats and Republicans. It’s socialist globalism. Yes, no matter if they disagree on abortion, sanctity of marriage, or the religious freedom of God in the public square, establishment members of both parties are unified when it comes to a global economy, global trade, global migration, global climate control (or at least the wealth redistribution that it entails).

Daily Jot: Watching Turkey-Iran prophecy align

Since the previous Administration placed Iran on the fast track to have nuclear weapons, a curious, possibly prophetic, development has occurred between Turkey and Iran-two nations that figure prominently in the end of days, and one must come into submission to the other for prophecy to be fulfilled.

Abomination That Causeth Desolation

There are those who say that prophecy has been fulfilled in the year 70AD and that we are doing nothing but waiting for the return of Jesus Christ. These folks are what are called Preterist and discount prophecy as not for our time, or that we are living in the ends of days.

Doctrines of Devils

It is well known that the re-creation of an arch at the Temple of Baal was recently and temporarily erected at City Hall Park in New York City. Baal worship led to God’s destruction of Israel in Old Testament Times, but Roman Catholic Mayor Bill de Blasio thinks he has done a good deed.

Black Lives Matter Exposed

Black Lives Matter Exposed – By Daymond Duck – Many of the comments that I have heard about the shooting of 12 police officers (5 were killed) at the Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas on July 7, 2016 contained expressions of concern about the future of the U.S. Considering the fact that the…