Wondering about the end times and the rapture can cause confusion, worry and fear for a lot of people, even Christians! For ages people have tried to figure out the exact time that the prophecy of Jesus’s return will happen. The best place to turn for answers about the rapture is Scripture! God tells us everything we need to know in the Bible. There are some things that God has left a mystery for us, but has given us enough information in His Word that we should have complete confidence and hope in the Hope of our Salvation. The above verses speak of a time when those who are found in Jesus Christ will stand before Him and receive what has been done in our body, either for Him, or for ourselves.

This Just Has to be the One

I was “all in” for the Rapture happening two years ago on September 23, 2015, and nothing happened. I felt like the proverbial bride who was stood up at the altar and it really hurt because I really believed. Now I understand that there had to be a 2 year warning. Jesus return this time around seems to bare many similarities to His first appearance. There was a lot of heavenly activity in the nighttime sky 2 years prior to His birth and we are now seeing a repeat of many of these same patterns.

Daily Jot: Hypocrisy at the highest

Many Americans are watching with amazement at the circus taking place in our nation’s capital trying to derail, delegitimize the presidency and obstruct government. It’s happening under the guise of investigating whether President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the US election. Even Democratic leaders say that there is no evidence, but they pursue the obstruction of the Trump agenda through the morass they are creating with their media partners and communist actors. Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions took center ring and testified. Bottom line: Sessions said that the mere suggestion of collusion with the Russians to undermine America “is an appalling and detestable lie.”

Does God Observe Jubilees?

Christians know that the Bible is more than a collection of stories, allegories and illustrations. We know and truly believe that “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and it is profitable for doctrine” (I Tim. 3:16), etc.

Numbers That Are Getting My Attention

I have never had a desire to study the significance of Bible numbers, but I have long believed that everything in the Bible is significant. I have always been leery of going too far in the study of numbers, but I have recently seen some amazing things that other prophecy teachers (Bob Mitchell, Dan Goodwin, etc.) have pointed out.

I don’t agree with everything they say, but I will try to take some of the amazing things these prophecy teachers say that seems right to me and pass it on in my own words.

Is the Oracle of Damascus Close?

That’s ancient history in an abbreviated fashion, but what about today of the city in Syria known as Damascus? What can be the reason for her eventual demise and the city not be inhabited again? Note that in this age the only thing that could make any city uninhabitable is either nuclear or chemical warfare that causes the area to be too dangerous for anyone to be in the same area.

Seven Major Prophetic Signs of The Second Coming: 2017 Part 1

There are seven major prophetic signs of the Second Coming, and currently, all of them are in some stage of fulfillment. As in years past, we’ve kept Jack’s list of the seven with their primary Biblical references and offer comments from current events. These comments are based on reports from a variety of international news services that have appeared in our daily “Prophecy In The Headlines” feature during the past year.

The Prophecy of Ten Jubilees

Anyway, in 1215, Rabbi Judah ben Samuel was allegedly visited by the prophet Elijah who told him, “When the Ottomans (Turks) conquer Jerusalem they (the Turks) will rule over Jerusalem for eight jubilees (8 X 50 = 400 years).”