New visualisation of the Covid-19 virus

Prophetic implications of Coronavirus-Part II

There are several aspects of the China coronavirus pandemic that have prophetic underpinnings. It certainly is a type and shadow of an end time pestilence, which could result in a great famine, as prophesied by Christ in Matthew 24:7, “…and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in diverse places.” Since this coronavirus has been on the radar, there have been some 33 earthquakes in California, Oklahoma, Tennessee, the Carolinas, New York and Maine. But when we are talking about the specifics of prophecy, it is not about America. It is about Israel. We need to remember that. Yes, prophecy affects America and vice versa, and you and I, but it is centered on Israel and the return of Christ.


Prophetic implications of coronavirus-Part 1

China’s coronavirus is a revealer of prophetic events, perhaps a type and shadow of what is to come. We have seen just how small the world is. Humanity is globally connected in this 21st Century. What happens in China can determine what happens in Ohio, or even in a small rural community in Africa. We can see how quickly devastation, panic, economic disaster, sickness and death can occur. If it gets worse and worse, we could see how nations can rise up against nations and how famines and wars could quickly develop. The tighter food and medical supplies become, the more likely the love of many shall wax cold. Neighbor could turn against neighbor, family member against family member. This is prophetic.


Nearing Midnight: Are We Facing Another Global Pandemic?

In all of human history, infectious diseases have been a constant threat. The small mutation in the genome of a virus or bacterium could trigger a pandemic that could sweep over the world and kill millions of people. The last major pandemic with high levels of mortality was the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak; this pandemic was estimated to be responsible for the deaths of approximately 50-100 million people.

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

Could 2020 Be a Prophetically Pivotal Year?

I am not making predictions with what follows, but rather pointing to certain 2020 events that I believe will make 2020 highly significant in regard to biblical prophecy. These things will shape what follows in years to come and will likely provide further evidence that the tribulation is fast approaching an unsuspecting world.

Waiting and Watching

Perhaps the strongest indicator of the season is this: many events the Bible describes as happening in the last days seem to be right on the brink of coming to full fruition. It’s as if the stage is all set and we are just waiting for the curtain to rise and the actors to appear. If it were a musical production, we would already hear the orchestra playing the overture.

President Trump

The Left, President Trump, and Jesus

The division among church-goers over the President’s past greatly troubles me. If those in the world mistake our support for Trump as that of excusing and overlooking his past, I believe it’s their fault, not ours. In doing so, they demonstrate a total misunderstanding of grace and the Gospel. Those who are ready to turn to the Savior fully understand the Lord’s mercy and love.

Photo by mostafa meraji on Unsplash

What’s Next?

The world is abuzz with the news that President Trump ordered a deadly and successful strike on Qasem Soleimani, a top Iranian military general who was directly responsible for the killing of hundreds of American soldiers in the past couple decades. Iran had charged Soleimani with the task of annihilating Israel and attacking the United States bases in Iraq.

Photo by Stephen Radford on Unsplash

Christianity Today Does Not Speak For Me

Christianity Today does not represent me. The impeachment the House just voted on is nothing but a three year witch hunt and sham fueled by satanic hatred. Imagine how much more could have been accomplished by our political leaders if they had not frittered away time and money on their own selfish hatred. Even if both parties came together singing Kumbaya around the campfire while holding hands with President Trump, will that help? The obvious answer is, “No,” (but it wouldn’t hurt). The only perfect political structure is one ruled totally by God, specifically the Messiah Jesus Christ, called the Millennium (or 1,000 year reign).