
Mysteries of God Given to Paul the Apostle (Part 1)

The word “mystery” is a confusing translation, as it can mislead the reader of what mystery means and what Paul is talking about. Is it “weird, strange, or an enigma” which is the common interpretation of the word in the English language? No, the word is Greek (μυστήριον ) It means a “secret”–something kept hidden, something previously not revealed. Paul used the term to describe the body of doctrines the risen, ascended, glorified Lord revealed to him. God alone can keep a secret and He had kept these revelations hidden until He chose to disclose them. I believe God waited until Jesus had ascended on High with God our Father and chose Paul as His minister to share this truth of God’s Plan for Mankind. Paul called these doctrines “secrets” for this was what they were. What were these secrets that Peter and the other apostles knew nothing about?

Joe and Hunter Biden

The Biden mess

While mainstream media are blacklisting coverage of Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s influence peddling scheme with his son Hunter, there are at least three main independent sources that have similar information.

light bulb

The Green New Deal: Slavery by Any Other Name

The climate alarmists of our day would have us believe that a grave environmental crisis exists; one that requires immediate and drastic action in order to save the planet. The leaders of the United Nations tell us that the solution requires all nations to submit to a central government, a New World Order.


Yes! “Our Blessed Hope” Matters

My purpose in writing this article is not so much to defend my ministry as it is to reaffirm the comfort that comes our way knowing that Jesus is coming for us before the horrendous period of God’s wrath upon the earth. This blessed assurance gives much needed strength to many saints enduring affliction and ongoing pain, both physical and emotional.


The Destruction of America?

In the first book of the “Harbinger” Jonathan Cahn analyzes the parallels of what happened to Israel and the “harbingers” of impending national collapse and what is happening right now in America. The parallels are uncanny and can only be said beyond coincidence.