Daymond Duck

Groaning and Travailing :: By Daymond Duck

Many of us are rightly concerned because things appear to be falling apart on Earth (society is becoming more immoral, dishonest, dissatisfied, dangerous; wars, natural disasters, and antisemitism are increasing; we have lost loved ones and are getting older; globalists are working to bring in a New World Order under a leader called the Antichrist in the Bible, etc.)

But God is in control, and we are not without hope.


Peace In the Midst of Chaos :: By Nathele Graham

As I write this, I’m trying to process the events of the last few hours. There was an attempt to assassinate Mr. Trump. Thank God he survived! The bullet hit Mr. Trump’s ear, very close to his head. I’m very thankful the bullet didn’t kill him but saddened that others were killed and wounded.


Reset or Rapture? By Terry James

Rather than making the great progress toward instituting their much-ballyhooed Great Reset, those powers are, while God restrains, bumping in a lurching fashion against one barrier after another to their blueprint to Build Back Better.


Pernicious Planners for Post-Rapture – Terry James

Klaus Schwab, perhaps the top spokesman for these globalist would-be masters, has instructed the elitist followers of globalism that they must “force” humanity into a world ruled by artificial intelligence and other dehumanizing technologies. He has intimated to them and us that all under their coming rule will “own nothing and be happy.”