Dark Days
The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was the most contentious and corrupt election in the history of America (it has been reported that almost 80% of Republicans, about 30% of Independents, and 17% of Democrats believe there was fraud).
The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was the most contentious and corrupt election in the history of America (it has been reported that almost 80% of Republicans, about 30% of Independents, and 17% of Democrats believe there was fraud).
People called globalists, the Global Elite, the Shadow Government, and various other names want to create and run a New World Order.
There’s an ancient saying that dates back to 1546 when John Heywood said, “There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know.”
Many people have heard about the “mark of the beast” and its corresponding 666, but few recognize its prophetic significance or believe it will ever become a reality.
Verse 3 tells us this mighty angel stands before the heavenly golden altar of incense, which is before the Throne of the Almighty God. The prayers of all the believers are mingled with heavenly incense and offered up to God. These prayers contain the martyrs’ and the suffering saints’ cries for relief and justice. The answer to these prayers is the Seven Trumpets and Seven Golden Vials.
No one on earth knows the day or the hour of the Rapture, but a large number of excellent Bible prophecy teachers believe that those that haven’t accepted Jesus as their Saviour are running out of time if they want to go to heaven before the Tribulation Period.
I believe we live in a period of relative calm before a great storm sweeps across the planet. God’s judgment on the Christ-rejecting world is ever so close at hand. The rapidly approaching tribulation will bring people face to face with the wrath of the Lord and give them one more opportunity to turn to the Savior before they face an eternity apart from Him.
The Great Setup – Jonathan Brentner – https://www.jonathanbrentner.com/https/jonathan-brentner-g8fgsquarespacecom/config/2020/11/13/the-great-setup Perhaps I have an overly suspicious mind, but something does not feel right about what I am seeing in the aftermath of the recent election. We know massive election fraud took place late on November 3 and the early morning hours of November 4. The evidence is…
We touched briefly on “mysteries” (secrets) that were revealed to Paul alone and that make up a vast portion of the New Testament that touch the Church body of Paul’s time, and ours today. Some make the statement in my last message that Abraham was the beginning of faith in God. True, Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness, but Paul showed that since Jesus death and resurrection, grace alone through faith is what is required for salvation. Let us recap what we have learned and take a moment and review each found on my blog space as we go further into the “secrets” that Paul learned from the risen Lord Jesus: