
Rapture Reassurance

During this troubling movement into ever-increasing evil, those among Bible teachers, writers, broadcasters, et al., who proclaim there is to be no pre-Tribulation Rapture are having a field day.


New Technologies and the End Times

Last week, an Israeli company named Aleph Farms announced it had successfully cultivated the world’s first slaughter-free ribeye steak, using 3D bioprinting technology and living cow cells. Unlike traditional 3D printing, the 3D bioprinting Aleph Farms developed prints “actual living cells that are then incubated to acquire the texture and qualities of a real steak.”

The End is Near

Evil Persists While History Repeats

Evil Persists While History Repeats – By Terry James – https://www.raptureready.com/2021/02/11/evil-persists-while-history-repeats-by-terry-james/ In the book Antichrist and the Final Solution, Tom Horn and I laid out the case for Satan’s ages-long war against humanity. The devil’s methodologies have changed only in nuance over the millennia. The battle of Ephesians 6:12 rages more violently than ever while…

blessed hope

Questions that Confirm the Pretribulation Rapture, Part 1

You may wonder why I am again writing in defense of the pretribulation Rapture, the belief that Jesus will come for His church before the start of the seven-year tribulation. I am doing so because we live in a time when many inside and outside the church ridicule our hope in Jesus’ imminent appearing. How do we answer those who mock the hope we hold so dear?