One World Govt

A New Era and a New Universal Agenda

This writer believes events show that America’s Deep State started implementing the “New Universal Agenda” in 2016 without a clear explanation to U.S. citizens and without U.S. citizens getting a chance to vote on it (They told us, but they didn’t explain what they were doing, and the public was not paying enough attention).


This Rapture Resistance

Saturdays are no longer my favorites like they were when I worked full time in my jobs in advertising and public relations. Back then, I welcomed the relaxation that came with the day immediately following hectic weeks of meetings with clients and concocting and conducting campaigns for corporations to get products and services in front of the public.


The Constitutional issue of vaccine mandates

The COVID 19 vaccinated, unvaccinated and antibodied should vehemently oppose direct or indirect government vaccine mandates because they are a violation of Constitutional civil rights and set precedent for the government to dictate any requirement in the name of public health and safety. For example, Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion budget bill backdoors a vaccine mandate by instructing the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to increase fines to $700,000 per incident for businesses who do not meet COVID 19 standards for a safe workplace


Transformation Happening

On May 14, 2008, Barack Obama was running for Pres. of the U.S., and Michelle said, “We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”


Enabling the Mark of the Beast

As COVID-19 continues to circulate around the world, it becomes increasingly clear it poses a threat to more than just global health. Governments all over the world have used the crisis to expand their power and trample individual liberty. As 2021 nears its end, governments are increasingly dividing the world into two camps – the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

One World Govt

Blessing Nations

Despite America’s current condition, most Christians who are spiritually attuned to what the Lord of Heaven has to say about the peoples of earth know this has been, since its inception, a God-blessed nation. While we look around at the national and world landscapes today, we can say that America’s blessings look to be headed in the opposite direction.