Don’t Fall for the Illusion of Peace in Our Time – Jonathan Brentner
I can’t imagine living at a time when deception is greater than it is now, but the Bible says that just such a day will exist during the time of the antichrist.
I can’t imagine living at a time when deception is greater than it is now, but the Bible says that just such a day will exist during the time of the antichrist.
At His first coming, Jesus fulfilled forty-eight specific prophecies concerning His birth, lineage, life, death, burial, and even His resurrection.
Turkey is at the center of that thanksgiving future, and the nation by that name is hastily dressing—militarily—for its part in a key prophecy.
The G20 is a group of 19 nations plus the European Union committed to coordinating global economic, health, and travel policy.
We live in an age of miracles. Who would have dreamed the advancements that have been created in a short, by comparison of the last 125 year, to the history of mankind.
For the first time in history, those who said they were “Christian” in the most recent census of the United Kingdom and Wales has dropped to 46.2% of the population.
We’ve looked many times at how Satan wants to be worshiped as God. From the very beginning, in the account of his actions against God, we can see that prideful tendency that exploded into full-fledged rebellion.
Since the mid-term elections, TV and social media pundits are saying, “Biden, Pelosi, Trump, and McConnell are too old. We need fresh blood, someone with new ideas to solve our problems. It is time for someone else to lead, someone that can appeal to young voters, a uniter, not a divider.”
I’ve had people email me with questions concerning the topic of the coming Beast power and this “mark of the beast”. One lady ask me “can you unwittingly take the mark, and not know that you just did?”