Make Sure You Watch This BEFORE the Election…
Today’s video is only on Substack, Rumble, and Odysee. It’s NOT on YouTube. Why? Because this is the video YouTube doesn’t want you to see.
On Tuesday, millions of Americans will go to the polls to cast their votes for a wide range of political offices and ballot initiatives. The race for President of the United States gets all the headlines, but a lot more is at stake from school board seats to state constitutional amendments.
Yet, according to recent research, millions of born-again Christians are likely to stay home and sit out the process. This is a big mistake.
In today’s video, we talk about why your vote matters and why, as ambassadors of Christ, we’re expected to bring light to a dark and fallen world. That’s precisely why YouTube won’t want you to watch this video. So regardless of whether or not you live in the United States, make sure to watch it – because every vote in every election makes difference.
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If you prefer to watch on a non-Substack platform, here are the links:
YouTube: [Not on YouTube]
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