Approaching Apocalypse

Approaching Apocalypse

The term “apocalypse” as related to the coming Tribulation (Daniel’s seventieth week) means the “unveiling” or “revelation.” Particularly, it is the revelation of Jesus Christ in all of His power and glory, and in His judgeship over all of the world evil since Lucifer’s rebellion and the Fall of humankind in the Garden of Eden.


Reset or Rapture? By Terry James

Rather than making the great progress toward instituting their much-ballyhooed Great Reset, those powers are, while God restrains, bumping in a lurching fashion against one barrier after another to their blueprint to Build Back Better.


Pernicious Planners for Post-Rapture – Terry James

Klaus Schwab, perhaps the top spokesman for these globalist would-be masters, has instructed the elitist followers of globalism that they must “force” humanity into a world ruled by artificial intelligence and other dehumanizing technologies. He has intimated to them and us that all under their coming rule will “own nothing and be happy.”


Fishing for Gog By Terry James

There continues to be a great deal of conjecture about whether the current Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, is Gog, the evil person who will lead the Gog-Magog attack against Israel as prophesied by Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39.


End-times Betrayal

The one signal that most powerfully proves where the world is currently located on God’s prophetic timeline is Israel’s present position within the panoply of nation-states.

angel blowing trumpet

Pre-Trib Trigger Points

Many within the Pre-Trib Rapture belief camp understand that the Rapture is dealt with in Jesus’ Olivet Discourse. My dear friend, the late Dave Hunt, gave an excellent session on the subject, which he was assigned to address at a conference.

epidemic of deception

Perilous Times and Cults

The first time I really was made to understand the insidious nature of heavily-populated religious cults in America was in 1999. Even upon learning about one cult in particular, I had trouble believing what I was hearing.