
Take Shelter Now :: By Nathele Graham

In this world, we are warned about many things. Geologists warn us that a major earthquake could strike at any time. The San Andreas fault is way overdue to shake California. The New Madrid Fault along the Mississippi River seems to be giving warnings of an upcoming large quake.


Where’s the Hope? – Nathele Graham

The news is bad. Everything is doom and gloom and depression hangs heavy over the population. The political climate in the United States is ugly. And I get very discouraged when I listen to all the political babbling. A crazy young man who may or may not have been acting alone tried to assassinate Mr. Trump. What do many of the loony liberals say? “I’m sorry he missed”. That’s just cold-hearted. They take a miracle of God and turn it into something evil. In speaking of the end of days, Jesus said “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Matthew 24:12.


Peace In the Midst of Chaos :: By Nathele Graham

As I write this, I’m trying to process the events of the last few hours. There was an attempt to assassinate Mr. Trump. Thank God he survived! The bullet hit Mr. Trump’s ear, very close to his head. I’m very thankful the bullet didn’t kill him but saddened that others were killed and wounded.


The Battle for America – Nathele Graham

America is about to vote for men to lead our nation. This is something that should never be taken lightly. Remember, it is God we must honor with our vote. No man is perfect, but there are some who should never be trusted to lead a nation. There is a spiritual battle raging for control of America, and Satan seems to be winning.


Don’t Be a Fool

It seems that in this day and age, people go out of their way to deny God. There’s always been people who cannot see the truth, and they have always made life difficult for true Christians. Today, we have television and social media that promote all manner of sin and evil. The entertainment industry is an instrument of Satan and reaches most people with its message of evil. Children are sent to public school where they are indoctrinated into believing lies.


The Way We Represent Christ

We live in the time of the signs, and prophecy is being fulfilled quickly. We hear news headlines, or people talk around the water cooler at work, and the words are of doom, gloom, and fear. It’s so easy for us to lose sight of the fact that Christians can rest easy in God’s truth.


Are Demons Real?

Do you believe Scripture? Any Christian who doesn’t believe God’s word from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21 can’t truly understand their faith. Every word is from God, and He doesn’t lie or deceive anybody. His truth is the only truth.

Time To Pray

Time to Pray!!!

In order to keep the collection plates full, many pastors compromise God’s truth. Most pastors like to preach about the joy of the Lord, rather than repentance. God and sin are opposites, so you cannot turn to God unless you turn away from sin. There is no joy in sin, but many pastors are willing to compromise Biblical truth in order to keep collections up and pews filled.