Freedom From Religion?
So where did this phrase of separation of church and state come from, in the first place, if not found in our Constitution or Bill of Rights in any of its language?
So where did this phrase of separation of church and state come from, in the first place, if not found in our Constitution or Bill of Rights in any of its language?
In times past, I wrote of the coming of a One World Religion that may be headed up by none other than the Roman Catholic Church and it’s pope.
Prophecy writers have been preaching the soon return of Jesus Christ and we wonder how soon? The indicators of the soon return of our Lord are all around us, but it has been fuzzy, but grows much clearer as time passes.
GOD’S PROPHETIC TIME MARKERS 10/05/20130 Comments Does God have a plan for mankind? Has He revealed it to His people through the words of your bible? Are there prophetic time markers that God has given us, to show what He plans for the salvation of mankind? “2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat,…
There are many diverse religious convictions about how the times we live in, called by Christians, the End of Days will be fulfilled.
Whenever I’m deciding on what to base a sermon on, I am never far from a subject as e-mails come that set me back in my chair─that God must be using to make a point.
The bible speaks of a powerful angelic being that was called, in the beginning, Lucifer.
I got into a discussion with a friend of mine who seems to be confused about the doctrine of sinners and their destination of an ever burning hell.
But if you look at the societal conditions of the current century that we are in, they are the most impotent, insignificant, and irrelevant group of people to influence the direction of this society in all our history.