Daily Jot: Hypocrisy at the highest

Many Americans are watching with amazement at the circus taking place in our nation’s capital trying to derail, delegitimize the presidency and obstruct government. It’s happening under the guise of investigating whether President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the US election. Even Democratic leaders say that there is no evidence, but they pursue the obstruction of the Trump agenda through the morass they are creating with their media partners and communist actors. Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions took center ring and testified. Bottom line: Sessions said that the mere suggestion of collusion with the Russians to undermine America “is an appalling and detestable lie.”

Daily Jot: The Real Russian connection

There is one thing that unifies establishment Democrats and Republicans. It’s socialist globalism. Yes, no matter if they disagree on abortion, sanctity of marriage, or the religious freedom of God in the public square, establishment members of both parties are unified when it comes to a global economy, global trade, global migration, global climate control (or at least the wealth redistribution that it entails).

Daily Jot: Watching Turkey-Iran prophecy align

Since the previous Administration placed Iran on the fast track to have nuclear weapons, a curious, possibly prophetic, development has occurred between Turkey and Iran-two nations that figure prominently in the end of days, and one must come into submission to the other for prophecy to be fulfilled.

A non-prophetic prophecy

So here is a non-prophetic prophecy for America: If socialized healthcare is allowed, the American middle class will essentially disappear. The American middle class is the partnership in the Republic that economically made this country great, held it together morally, and was the key stakeholder in keeping it great and sustaining the future. In every dictatorship or emerging growth country, the middle class is missing.