Powerful Tyrannical Unbelievers are now Imposing (forcing) their False Religious Beliefs on America –
The February issue of World Net Daily’s (WND’s) Whistleblower Magazine features “Wokeism— America’s Official State Religion.”
The February issue of World Net Daily’s (WND’s) Whistleblower Magazine features “Wokeism— America’s Official State Religion.”
Do you like watching scary movies? I don’t. In my opinion, movies have gone way too far in horror, and many other genres. These movies serve a couple of purposes in Satan’s agenda. First, they make evil, and sin, familiar and acceptable. They also can open a way for real demons to enter a person. Are demons real?
On Mar. 8, 2023, LifeSiteNews posted an article by Tom Parker that said, “The World Health Organization (WHO) is marching forward with its plans to make amendments to the International Health Regulations.”
What are types? They are nothing more than pictures or illustrations that look forward to their fulfillment in the form of a person, event, or object (most find their fulfillment in the Lord Jesus Christ).
When you were young and visiting with friends, did your parents ever tell you to be home before dark? That’s because they love you. It’s easier for criminals and those with evil intent to work their acts of wickedness under the cover of darkness.
Many of you know I view Jesus’ words as recorded in Luke to be perhaps the most important of all prophetic teachings regarding the coming world collapse into what will quickly become the Tribulation—Daniel’s seventieth week.
A reader recently sent this Billy Graham quote to me as he spoke in a crusade. He said, “The first thought I have when I wake up in the morning is I wonder if He is going to come today.
God laid down a plan, a chronological plan for the whole of mankind that is sprinkled within the pages of your bible. In Ancient Israel, during the Exodus led by Moses, God instituted festivals, or feasts given to the people of God led out of Egypt by His chosen messenger, Moses.
The books of Daniel and Revelation tell us that in the years prior to the Second Coming, a vicious and exceedingly evil world empire will emerge and briefly rule over the nations.