
The Bible tells us there must be a seven-year period when God again turns His attention to the Jewish people and Jerusalem. The length of this still future time comes the prophet Daniel who specified seventy weeks of years during which time the Lord will complete His redemptive purposes for choosing Israel (Daniel 9:24-27).


Make Sure You Watch This BEFORE the Election…

In today’s video, we talk about why your vote matters and why, as ambassadors of Christ, we’re expected to bring light to a dark and fallen world. That’s precisely why YouTube won’t want you to watch this video. So regardless of whether or not you live in the United States, make sure to watch it – because every vote in every election makes difference.

Approaching Apocalypse

Approaching Apocalypse

The term “apocalypse” as related to the coming Tribulation (Daniel’s seventieth week) means the “unveiling” or “revelation.” Particularly, it is the revelation of Jesus Christ in all of His power and glory, and in His judgeship over all of the world evil since Lucifer’s rebellion and the Fall of humankind in the Garden of Eden.


Are Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 About to be Fulfilled?

It’s clear Israel is determined to destroy Hezbollah as a threat to Israel. For decades now, Iran has funded, trained, and equipped Hezbollah. Iran has expended a significant amount of time, energy, and financial resources building proxy forces and positioning them around Israel. Their aim is to threaten (and eventually destroy) Israel from a distance while maintaining plausible deniability when it comes to their direct involvement. Nevertheless, it’s no secret Hezbollah is an extension of Iran. It’s the crown jewel of Iranian proxy forces.