
Are Demons Real?

Do you believe Scripture? Any Christian who doesn’t believe God’s word from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21 can’t truly understand their faith. Every word is from God, and He doesn’t lie or deceive anybody. His truth is the only truth.

Time To Pray

Time to Pray!!!

In order to keep the collection plates full, many pastors compromise God’s truth. Most pastors like to preach about the joy of the Lord, rather than repentance. God and sin are opposites, so you cannot turn to God unless you turn away from sin. There is no joy in sin, but many pastors are willing to compromise Biblical truth in order to keep collections up and pews filled.

end times

World’s Rage toward Holocaust

George Santayana’s aphorism, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” has never been more apropos than at this moment. Developments are leaping to the forefront at this late hour of the age leading to the Second Advent of Jesus Christ—developments that are mind-boggling.


Home Before Dark

When you were young and visiting with friends, did your parents ever tell you to be home before dark? That’s because they love you. It’s easier for criminals and those with evil intent to work their acts of wickedness under the cover of darkness.