Sermon and Bible Study Resources
(l) The John MacArthur Collections John MacArthur's Collections of Sermons and Articles from A to Z as well as sermons by Charles Spurgeon, George Whitefield, Thomas Watson, Jonathan Edwards, J.C. Ryle, Shepherd's Conference, and many others.
(2) Sermons by Dr. John Piper of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN, USA. These sermons cover the complete Old Testament and New Testament.
(3) Pastor Lon Solomon, McLean Bible Church, McLean, Virginia -
Sermons by Date, Series and Podcasts Lon Solomon is an American non-denominational Christian megachurch evangelist and the Senior Pastor at the McLean Bible Church in McLean, Virginia.
(4)The Messages of Pastor Steven J. Cole Since May, 1992, Steve has been the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship, Flagstaff, Arizona. From 1977-1992 he pastored Lake Gregory Community Church in Crestline, California. He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1976) and California State University, Long Beach (B.A., philosophy, 1968).
(5) Abide in Christ Website- Wil Pounds is a graduate of William Carey College, B. A.; New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Th. M.; and Azusa Pacific University, M. A. He pastored in Panama, Ecuador and the U. S. He had a daily expository Bible teaching ministry heard in over 100 countries for ten years. He and his wife served as missionaries in Ecuador for 20 years. (6) The Ray C. Stedman Library -Long-time pastor of Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, California, and author of Body Life and many other books. (7) Discovery Papers by Doug Goins - Doug Goins has been a pastor at Peninsula Bible Church since 1978 and at different times over those years has overseen the worship and arts ministry, adult education, college and university ministry, and most recently been more of a generalist as a host pastor. (8) Discovery Papers by Ron Ritchie - In 2000 the Lord in concert with a group of godly men and women encouraged Ron to begin a non-profit organization called Free at Last. This ministry is designed to enable him to use his spiritual gifts of teaching, evangelism and vision within the local churches as well as continue his nationally and internationally conference ministry. (9) Discovery Papers by Steve Zeisler - From the Peninsula Bible Church of Palo Alto, California (10) The Bob Roe Library - Former pastor retired elder, Peninsula Bible Church, Palo Alto, California. (11) Scott Grant's Biblical Studies Library - Scott Grant has served as a pastor at Peninsula Bible Church since 1994. (12) Sermons by David Roper - Former Peninsula Bible Church Pastor and Elder. (13) The Rich Carlson Sermon Library - Peninsula Bible Church of Palo Alto, California. (14) The Dorman Followwill Library - Dorman is a former Peninsula Bible Church College Pastor. (15) Ted Wise's Library - Peninsula Bible Church of Palo Alto, California. (16) Lambert Dolphin's Library - He received an AB degree with high honors in physics and distinction in mathematics from San Diego State University in June 1954. After two years of graduate study in Physics and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, (1954-1956), He joined the staff of SRI International (formerly Stanford Research Institute), in Menlo Park, California where he remained almost continuously for the next 30 years. He left his position at SRI as a Senior Research Physicist in 1987 to pursue small-scale independent geophysical consulting services, and to devote the bulk of his time to Bible teaching, writing and Christian counseling. (17) The Preacher's Corner - Mini sermons by Dr. Tom Walker on his Camp Sion website along with many other sermons by top fundamental pastors and evangelists. (18) SermonCentral.com -Search 45,000 free sermons, dramas, and illustrations. The world's largest, fastest growing library. (19) Executable Outlines by Mark Copeland - Some great sermons and Bible studies by Church of Christ pastor Mark Copeland. (20) The Sermons of Mark Adams - Mark holds a B.S. in Music from the University of North Alabama and Master of Divinity in Religious Education from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Gifted as a minister, Mark has served the body as a minister of music, education and youth since his call to ministry in 1974. (21) The Preacher's Attic - by Shelton Cole - A resource for those who love preaching presented by the preachers of the Baptist Bible Fellowship! (22) Baptist Sermons Online -Searchable index of sermons by Missionary Baptist pastors. (23) Sermon Site by Ben Hayes - (Pastor of Friendship Baptist Church) (24) Bible Studies Foundation - A plethora of comments, studies and articles by a variety of authors. (25) Christian Classics Etheral Library - Dozens of writings from the pens of Augustine, Aquinas, Bonar, Bounds, Bunyan, Edwards, Foxe, Law, Owen, and the list goes on... (26) The Covenant Family Fellowship - Contains over 25 articles on such topics as family, marriage, worship, service order, etc. The source of these articles range from the 1st through the 20th centuries. (27) Alpha-Omega Papers - A collection of about a dozen papers on varied subjects by Pendleton, Graves, Kirkland, Bryan, Sessions and others. (28) Alpha-Omega Notes and Outlines by Randy Sessions - A few notes and outlines by Randy Sessions. (29) Metropolitan Articles - Most of the articles in this collections were written by Thomas Williamson, associate pastor of Metropolitan Baptist Tabernacle, Chicago. (30) Brass Tacks - "Brass Tacks" originated in 1986 as a printed publication of the Douglass Hills Church of Christ in Louisville, Kentucky. Subsequently it became an independent personal project of Gary Henry, and was published intermittently until 1991. During these years, there were also Brass Tacks radio programs in Louisville, Kentucky and Columbus, Indiana. (31) Expository Sermons and Worship Resources - Preaching Resources, Worship Resources, Sermons, Bible Studies, Preaching Quotes, Book Reviews, and more. (32) News For Christians Big List of Links - The believer's source for news, perspective and commentary. Sermons, outlines, and study materials, various news and media links. (33) The Text This Week - Revised Common Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links. (34) The Sermon Notebook - The Sermon Notebook is the Internet ministry of Alan Carr. Brother Carr is the Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Lenoir, North Carolina. This website was born out of a desire to share sermons and sermon outlines, along with other study tools with the men who faithfully preach and teach the Word of God. The Sermon Notebook has maintained a consistent Internet presence since the summer of 1997. (36) John W. Walvoord - John F. Walvoord, long-time president of Dallas Theological Seminary, was one of the most prominent evangelical scholars of his generation. He is considered perhaps the world's foremost interpreter of biblical prophecy. (37) S. Lewis Johnson - SLJInstitute.net provides multimedia distribution of roughly 1,500 of Dr. Johnson's messages compiled from the 1960s through the 1990s. Working in conjunction with his former congregation at Believers Chapel of Dallas, SLJInstitute.net is also transcribing this collection of lessons. (38) Rick's Free Sermons - Tools and Resources - This is a place where pastors come for inspiration, encouragement, fellowship, practical help, experienced instruction, tools and resources for growing a healthy church, and a shared sense of vision and identity. (39) First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, MS - Sermon Archive INDEX Reformed sermons biblical sermons Old Testament exegetical sermons Sermons New Testament Sermons audio sermons at First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, MS. Unless otherwise attributed, J. Ligon Duncan is normally the preacher. (40) Recorded sermons by Pastor Robert Van Kooten of Sovereign Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church (41) Preaching.com - A library of sermons organized by topic and primary Bible passage. All of the sermons on Preaching.com represent some of the best preaching in the world today.
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