![]() Articles by Ray GanoAt: Prophezine.com
To all the "Christian" Death Metal band members, supporters and listeners, who have risen to the cause in support of your questionable lifestyle. I greet you. My name is Ray Gano and I am the executive director of Prophezine. I do not understand your reason to defend the un-defendable as you have done so with such verbosity as on our website. What you defend, you defend out of pure ignorance of God's Word. You quote the rule of grace, but do not understand that rule. You quote some watered down philosophy of what you deem as "Christianity" and do not even understand what Christianity is. You throw out all these "don't judge me, I live under grace, and even one of you proposed a "Buddhist approach" to our questioning this death style. I find it also very ignorant that not one of you even quotes scripture in your defense. Oh wait, in Justin's tirade (which we have not posted), he mottles through Psalms 100:1 and still does not get it right. Again a serious sign of sheer ignorance of what Christ did for you and Christianity as a whole. Here is your logic boiled down... in one of your own supporter's words.
So based upon CharlieD's logic and his form of Christianity, then basically I can go out and do anything I want to do. Cool... I can drink Christian Booze, smoke Christian pot, take Christian drugs, have sex with Christian women, Christian men, Christian animals, rape and murder all in God's name because God gave me free will to express myself through my own individuality and imagination. And if God really does not care how I dress and sing then God really does not care about all the other things that I have mentioned either. It is all free will, do as I like because you know what... IM A CHRISTIAN AND GOD LOVES ME FOR WHO I AM.
First you mock the sacrifice Jesus Christ paid. For your information, God also states how you should dress and how you should sing. You claim the title but are ignorant of God's Word from where you try to state you're so called rules. Your statement is that of a fool. Many of you point to the lyrics of many of these great God loving, God appeasing bands...
Here is one of my favorite song titles from the research I conducted--“I kiss my girlfriend with my fist." I wish I could have found the lyrics, but on many of your sites, there are no lyrics to be found. This song title is such a loving and Godly example of Christianity at its best... yea right.
I love these lyrics that basically degrade and dishonor God's Holy Word and just boiling the Bible down to a simple "rule book." These words are so heavenly and Christ like.
FYI being a "Bible Thumper" is a badge of honor because it means that I know what the Word of God says. People who throw the term about are weak regarding what God's Word states and of His statutes. Because they are weak, they are ignorant, because they are ignorant they choose to put what ever stamp of "Jesus" and or "Christian" on anything they desire because it just looks and feels good.
This statement pretty much encompasses your worldly logic and is the most ignorant statement I have seen someone claiming to be a Christian make. And as CharlieD points out, even some lyrics are from the bible too! Well bless my heart and drop kick my fanny through the goal posts of heaven. Basically all of you have stated what CharlieD has stated in one way or another. This shows exactly who you serve, be it intentionally or out of ignorance and this is the crux of the entire blog post. Here it is... You look like the world, dress like the world, speak and use profanity like the world. Your music sound like the world, and in fact the lyrics that many of you are so proud of expound the enemy more than Christ even though you may mention a bible verse, or say the name Jesus or God. To expand upon my point... If I were to walk up to some unbeliever on the street, present your music, your looks, your attitude, ETC., they could not tell the difference either. If I would point blank ask them if you represent Christ or the world, odds are they too would say the world. Even to the world you appear as the world. You see when it is all boiled down, it does not matter what I think, you think. What matters is what does the final authority state. That final authority is God's Word. If you do not like what God's Word says, then you are in rebellion. Here is what God's Word states; which the ultimate truth, like it is or not...
Your choice of music, your actions, even your very lifestyle that you present, represents a life of rebellion. This is fact like it or not. If I were wrong you would conform yourselves to a life of Christ. His sacrifice for you would be what is really important to you. I know this because you do not come to the defense of Christ; you come to the defense of Christian Death Metal. The Bible, from cover to cover, and over and over, condemns rebellion. The Lord God considered rebellion so serious that He compares rebellion to witchcraft. Do you know what God’s Word states about witchcraft? Witchcraft was punishable by death, one He loathes, and a sin that condemns one to a life of burning in Hell!
All of your posts show that you are willing to battle for the god you serve. You serve the enemy and you do not even know it. You see, Satan was created a beautiful musical creature: "...every precious stone was thy covering,...the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created" (Ezek 28:13). Since music was built into his very nature, are you foolish enough to assume that he will not use it to deceive and enslave? In all of your posts I see people enslaved by a DEATH STYLE not a life style that Christ offers. Here is a simple question, why is it called Christian "DEATH" Metal? This name in and of itself is an oxymoron. Oh there will be some of you who will say... "Hey man, I did not call it Christian Death Metal, I call it Christian Speed Metal man. What's wrong with you? Just because it sounds and looks like Death Metal does not mean it is Death Metal. We are CHRISTIANS so it is all ok man. Get over it and stop judging us," So did I get that about right? Here is what God's Word says.
The Lord Jesus warns in Matt 7:21-23
It can be seen by this verse that there is more to being a Christian than just speaking the name of Jesus. The Lord Jesus said to those who worked iniquity to depart because He didn't know them. You profess to be of the Lord, but your works deny God, Christ and the Bible itself. Now here is a bigger issue for many of you who are actually in the bands. In the position you are taking you are by default making yourselves "masters" or "teachers." Here is what God's Words states...
If you are on the stage, you are setting yourself up to represent Christ. It does not matter if you are the lead singer or bass player or what ever. You have set yourselves up as "master" in the eyes of others. The impact you have is great and the lifestyle of rebellion is the life you share and evangelize to all who listen to you. Let me repeat what God's Word says...
Now you can call me judgmental, fundamentalist, crotchety old snot, what ever you want. I have presented what God's Word states. You can go to any Bible commentary, go to any serious KJV bible teaching pastor, etc. They will all agree with me and stand on God's Word also. Bob Dylan had a pretty famous song about this very topic, even made it to the top ten in the music charts.
So who do you serve? Do you serve the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart, soul and might or do you serve the enemy and the prince of this world? But the bigger question is who does the World say you serve? Are you hated for Christ's sake or loved for the World's sake. If you do not have Christ in your heart 100%, you will burn in hell. Plain fact! Are you willing to gamble that on a life of rebellion and noise you call music? In His service, Ray Gano
Parental discretion is advised Adora: http://www.adorarock.com/ All But Screaming: http://www.allbutscreaming.com/ Anam Cara: http://www.anamcararock.com/ And Then I Turned Seven: http://www.andtheniturnedseven.net/ As I Lay Dying: http://www.asilaydying.com/ Becoming The Archetype: http://www.becomingthearchetype.com/ Bloodlined Calligraphy: click HERE for brief Bio Brandston: http://www.brandtson.com/ Brutal Fight: http://www.brutal-fight.com/ and http://www.brutal-fight.com/brutalfightv2/home.html Burden of a Day: http://myspace.com/burdenofaday The Chariot: http://www.thechariot.com/index1.php Chasing Victory: http://www.myspace.com/chasingvictory Crimson Moonlight: http://www.crimsonmoonlight.com/cm/ Dead Poetic: http://www.deadpoetic.com/ Decyfer Down: http://www.decyferdown.com/ Demise of Eros: http://www.demiseoferos.com/ Demon Hunter: http://www.demonhunter.net/front.php The Divine Romance: http://www.thedivineromance.com/ DJ Dima: http://www.djdima.de/tmpl/index.html DJ Life: http://tinyurl.com/mwpnf The Dog and Pony Show: http://tinyurl.com/nvbjy Far-Less: http://www.far-less.net/ Gate's Called Beautiful: http://www.gatescalledbeautiful.com/ The Gentleman Homicide: http://www.myspace.com/tgh The handshake murders: http://tinyurl.com/rzxw8 Haste the Day: http://www.hastetheday.com/ The Havoc: click HERE Headnoise: http://www.headnoise.org/ Inhale Exhale: http://www.inhaleexhalerock.com/ Leper: http://tinyurl.com/nmccg XLOOKING FORWARDx: http://www.xlookingforwardx.com/ Maylene and the Sons of Disaster: click HERE Norma Jean: http://www.normajeannoise.com/ Our Corpse Destroyed: http://www.ocdestroyed.com/ Project 86: http://www.project86.com/ Raised by Wolves: click HERE The Satire: http://www.myspace.com/thesatire Seventh Star: http://www.seventhstar.org/ Showbread: http://www.showbread.net/news.php Stellar Kin: http://www.stellarkin.com/ Ten 33: http://www.ten33.com/main.shtml Twelve Gauge Valentine: http://tinyurl.com/gubza Zombie Gutz: http://www.myspace.com/zombiegutz So then, you will know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:20). |
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