White House Israel Map–already two states with no Jerusalem

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

White House Israel Map–already two states with no Jerusalem

Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes does a preview of the Occupant of the Oval Office’s trip to Israel–only it’s not the Israel that exists today. The video is entitled “The President’s Trip to Israel, The West Bank & Jordan.” A map of the area is shown in very general terms at least three times and it is a depiction of a nation already divided into at least two states and Jerusalem is nowhere to be seen as part of it. The map specifically identifies Judea and Samaria, known also as the West Bank, as a separate entity. The new White House map of Israel does not include Jerusalem. The White House video by Rhodes was published on March 15. But there is much more to the story.

The Occupant has landed safely in Israel and is making his way to meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Simon Perez. A good deal has been written about the prophetic undertones of this trip–that he is entering Jerusalem during similar time frame as did Jesus Christ, his symbol is a donkey and Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. If he is crucified and resurrected there may be some Biblical significance to this trip, but it is obvious that this president has no similarities to Jesus Christ, although some leaders, even Christian leaders, have tried to make it so. The purpose of the Occupant’s trip is to do an end run on Netanyahu and take the case of dividing Israel to Israeli citizens.

The Financial Times reports that he has his work cut out for him–“one poll last week showing that only 10 percent of Israelis view him favorably.” There are too many memories that make this president one of the most anti-Israel, pro-Islam in the history of America. Beginning early in his first term, he sent his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to APAIC with the message–either support a two-state solution or we will back off pressure on Iran to end its nuclear quest. To this day, the Occupant is pressing a worn out and ineffective position: “Now is the time for the Iranian government to take immediate and meaningful steps to reduce tensions and work toward an enduring, long-term settlement to the nuclear issue.”

So here you have the Israel visit in a nutshell–an attempt to undermine Netanyahu as Israel’s leader, charm Israelis into accepting the White House map, and giving Iran incentive to back off its threatening nuclear aggression. He will visit just enough holy sites to make people think he cares about Israel’s religious heritage when he said in his June 2009 Cairo speech that Israel was born out of the holocaust–a clear belief that Israel has no traditional heritage in the land. I’m sorry. There is one Biblical type and shadow that comes to mind with this visit–Daniel 11:38-39, “But in his estate shall he honor the God of forces…and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.” Enough said.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

Bill Wilson